Our Democracy Is Still In Peril

Our Democracy Is Still In Peril

Our Democracy Is Still In Peril For a strengthened democracy and a more progressive future, Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team   Become a PDA Monthly Sustainer today. We all have a stake in preserving our democracy!   In November 2020, American voters...
Freedom To Vote Relay next week.  You in?

Freedom To Vote Relay next week. You in?

Freedom To Vote Relay next week. You in? In solidarity with every citizen’s right to to vote,Mike Fox for the PDA National Team​   March, Relay, Rally, And More   The Trumpists’ assault on our right to vote is unyielding. We must stay just as strong...

Great news in CA and for voting rights nationwide!

Great news in CA and for voting rights nationwide! In solidarity with John Lewis,The PDA National Team A Good Day to be a Progressive.  Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!   The Trumpists tried but failed to remove Governor Gavin Newsom from office. California...