The ERA 3 State Strategy team is part of PDA’s Civil Rights/Civil Justice platform. We organize on the web and on the ground through education with the objective of bringing allied groups, organizations (1,000 is our aim), and individuals together from both sides of the political aisle, not only to support us, but to actively participate in our efforts.
Why We Need the ERA
- In 1972 when the Equal Rights Amendment was first passed women earned .76 cents to a man’s dollar. Today more than 30 years later women earn .77 cents to a man’s dollar with African-American women earning .65 and Hispanic women earning .55
- There are only 7 countries that have not signed onto the CEDAW International Women’s Treaty (Convention for the Elimination of All Discrimination Against Women); the United States is one of those countries because we do not prohibit discrimination on account of sex in our Constitution
- The US insisted that all countries drafting constitutions after World War II include a statement that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; the US Constitution has no such clause
Endorsed Legislation
SJ Res 15/HJ Res 51 – Remove the ratification deadline from the Equal Rights Amendment
Team Accomplishments
146 House Members and 35 Senate Members are currently cosponsors of the 3 state legislation; Senate bill was dropped on May 9, 2013; House bill re-introduced on March 27, 2014.
Ongoing Educate Congress events in local districts and DC
Successful White House ERA Petition gathering more than 32,000 signatures
Developed Interactive Legislative Map
Organized alliances with National Organizations and grassroots activists
PDA BlogTalk Radio Show – The Women’s Room
Monthly PDA ERA 3 State Strategy Issue Team Calls
Introduced ratification legislation in Arizona, Virginia and Illinois; legislation passed in Virginia and Illinois Senate.
Organized and/or Participated in numerous events and Calls to Action
- Panelist – Suffragist Centennial Celebration, Washington D.C.
- Panelist – International Women’s Day Celebration, Columbus, OH
- Speaker – Democratic Women’s Club Luncheon, Lancaster, PA
- Speaker – “Women Matter Use Your Power” Rally, Richmond VA
- Panelist/Presented ERA Resolution – NOW (National Organization for Women) Conference, Chicago, IL
- Advocacy Alert – “Make Arkansas Purple – Ratify the ERA!”
- Advocacy Alert – “Help Illinois Ratify the ERA!”
- Twitter Campaign – “#IMAH – I’m Mad As Hell!! Support SJR 15 and HJR 43”
- Facebook Campaign – “Rise Up! Shoulder-To-Shoulder for the Equal Rights Amendment”
- Educate Congress – Republican Outreach Campaign
- Thunderclap – #RiseUp for Alice! #RatifyERA
- Thunderclap – #Women’s Equality Day
- Tea with Friends of Alice Paul, Chillicothe, OH
- Speaker, ERA Senate Briefing, Washington, DC
- Constitution Day Rally, Washington, DC
How You Can Help Pass the Equal Rights Amendment
- Join our Issue Team Calls on the 4th Monday of every month. Calls are at 9pm EST
- Join our Google Group to get updated information from other Team Members
- Join our Thunderclap actions
- Join our ERA Twitter team; Tweet members of Congress and thank them for their support as well as ask for their support
- Join our Educate Congress team and visit Congressional members, answer questions about the Equal Rights Amendment
- Join a state ERA team and work to pass the ERA in unratified states
- Use our tools on the right to call, email or make a visit to your Senators and Representative
- Write a Letter to the Editor to keep the ERA in the conversation in your area
Coalition Partners
2 Pass ERA , Unite Women New York, Women Matter Use Your Power
Issue Team Leaders
Tammy Simkins, PDA Ohio, Congressional Liaison, ERA Action
Cathy Kaelin, PDA Ohio, Congressional Liaison, ERA Action
John Johnson, PDA State Leader, Nevada
Mike Hersh, PDA State Leader, Maryland, Executive Vice President, Maryland NOW