Welcome to Kickass PDA National Advisory Board, Michael Moore
PDA’s National Advisory Board welcomes Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore to the team. We know you will join our current NAB Chair, Mimi Kennedy, in celebrating the news.
Mimi’s message to Michael:
Michael welcome to PDA’s Advisory Board. You’ve been my hero for a long time because you’re a brilliant filmmaker, but above all because you’ve been publicly, fearlessly honest – like Cordelia in King Lear – out of love for country and community. The malefactors trying to steal what generations of Americans have lived and died to sustain have long wanted to push PDA off a cliff, too. We didn’t go. And now there’s too many of us. Thank you for the enormous work you’ve already done in so many ways. And welcome to being part of the savvy, kickass, proudly, overtly political civics club called Progressive Democrats of America!
Are you welcoming Michael Moore to the PDA family? Support our work. Let’s make it matter BIGLY. Better yet, let’s make it HUGE. Donate now and show Michael and Mimi you appreciate their commitment to justice. DONATE here or using the button below.
Michael knows we invited him to be one of our advisors because lending his power and his voice to our own rising tide is vital to achieving the just, humane and deeply sensible agenda set forth by other progressive heroes, like Sen. Bernie Sanders. From Improved Medicare For All, to peace and economic, social, and environmental justice, Michael, Bernie, and PDA have all been on the same page for a long time. I also told him I needed him so that when we ask for your financial support, you know those donations matter to getting the message out and getting the work done.
Though PDA and its leadership were key influencers in Bernie’s decision to run for president as a Democrat, few people appreciate the background work that required and the willingness to be insurgents even when it is not popular. Yes, Michael understood that. So, throw a few dollars in the tip jar if you want to welcome Michael to PDA and thank him for his advocacy. Michael is already out there calling on New York and California to lead the way with improved Medicare for all, single-payer. That’s pretty great, Michael, thanks much.
Let’s make sure we rise to this moment, and with Mimi and Michael in our leadership ranks, we are doing just that. You in?
In solidarity,
Mimi and Donna
Welcome Michael Moore! We are all so excited that you will be on our Advisory Board!
FOLKS, WE NEED TO START RINGING THE PHONES OF EVERY CONGRESSIONAL AND SENATE REP. demand that a special INDEPENDENT prosecutor be appointed to the trump russia cover up
Wonderful news!! Warm welcome from PDA Massachusetts!!
Big New Jersey welcome to Board Member Michael Moore!