
Weekly Review And Preview. Lots Still Going On. You In?

May 22, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

From Peace in the Middle East to the Filibuster and a Jan. 6th Commission in the Senate, and More


We’ve been working for peace in the Middle East for over 15 years, and we’re so glad to see a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza that we’ll continue to work to preserve.

Key to passing progressive bills addressing voting rights, social, economic, racial and economic justice, and a solidly progressive infrastructure bill is whether or not the Senate will eliminate the filibuster. We’ve been working Sen. Kirsten Synema (D-AZ) and others to make this change a reality, as well as impressing upon the Senate to follow the House and get a Jan. 6th Commission going. 

Join in the actions below, and together, we can make the change we so desperately need happen!

1) Help make the country healthier.
PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, May 23
4pm Eastern; 3pm Central; 2pm Mountain; 1pm Pacific/AZ; 12pm AK; 10am HI.
Join Dr. Bill Honigman and Healthy CA Now Single Payer Coalition Chair and PDA National Advisory Board Member Michael Lighty, as we address ways that further efforts at the state level intersect with those at the federal level for reaching our unified goal.   This in addition to our ongoing updates on COVID-19. If you haven’t already done so, RSVP here.

2) Become a local Congressional Office Liaison. Work with others in your area to promote progressive legislation. Sign up here.

3) Help elect solid progressives like Nina Turner in upcoming special elections. Make easy calls from home to fellow PDA folks. Sign up here.  

4) For “Clicktivists,” here are easy action alerts and petitions.  Tell the Senate to follow the House and establish a Jan. 6th Commission, and help us make the recent child tax credit permanent. Support clean water for all, and sensible gun safety legislation, and tell Congress to support the new Medicare For All bill. Sign and share, and please let us know if you act.

5) Can’t volunteer? Then please contribute what you can afford and make it monthly if you can. There’s much to do, and we need the resources to make it happen.

Thanks so much for anything you can do to help us make a more progressive world for all.

