Weekly Recap: Missing From The Debates and More!
photo: right: Homeless Man In Boston by Enver Rahmanov • CC BY-SA 3.0, cropped
In solidarity, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team.
We Demand Questions About Poverty And Homelessness
And A Complete Debate On The Climate Emergency
If you watched the presidential debates so far, you may have noticed a few conspicuous absences:
- No questions about poverty, hunger, or homelessness.
- No debate focused on the Climate Emergency.
Please join Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) demanding questions and answers from every presidential candidate.
Get involved! Click Here to contact Mike Fox and get active with PDA’s Medicare For All, Impeachment, Climate Emergency, and other organizing.
No time to volunteer? Then Click Here to pitch in $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund. Please consider making it monthly?
We Demand A Debate On The Climate Emergency
We Demand Debate Questions Addressing Poverty
Clearly, we need an entire debate devoted to the candidates’ willingness to lead the fundamental re-organization of American society that the Climate Emergency has made necessary. We also demand questions focusing on poverty.
The fight for Net Neutrality is not over! Although a federal court upheld the FCC’s repeal of Obama-era rules, States can set their own net neutrality laws!
As John Nichols’ article in The Nation “It’s Time to Fight Trump’s Assault on Net Neutrality” points out: “The courts won’t reverse Trump’s FCC. But the states, Congress, and presidential candidates can act to preserve a free and open Internet.”
According to Gigi Sohn, adviser, former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, “The states are now free to do what the FCC will not.”
Now, it’s up to us. Tell Congress We Demand Net Neutrality!
PDA is working with a national Medicare For All (MFA) coalition. We need as many House and Senate cosponsors as we can get! Call Congress at 202-858-1717 and Click Here to tell your Representative to Cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s and Rep. Debbie Dingell’s Medicare For All Act.
Then, Click Here to tell your Senators to cosponsor Bernie Sanders’ MFA legislation.
PDA has been leading the effort to hold Trump accountable. Join PDA supporting congressional hearings. Click Here to send an email to your Representative now.
Behind Trump’s bizarre and unacceptable behavior—racist tweets, irrational lies, “Sharpiegate,” etc.—his policies continue to threaten American principles and even lives.
Trump gutted “Flores” protections for migrant children in custody, directed aides to seize private lands to build his racist wall, and diverted FEMA and Defense Department funds to pay for his impotent wall. Click Here to tell your Representative to hold Trump accountable.
The Student Debt Crisis looms as a dark cloud over our economy. PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky reports, “Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ilhan Omar introduced legislation to cancel all outstanding student debt; their bills compliment parallel legislation that would make all public state and community colleges tuition free.”
Alan explains, ”If passed, these bills would solve a massive crisis that has been suffocating the American economy and burdening the lives of 45 million working and middle class Americans.” Click Here to sign on as a grassroots cosponsor of the Student Debt Cancellation legislation.
We appreciate all you do to help make progress on these and other issues. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s organizing.
Email Mike Fox to get active with our ongoing progressive organizing! No time to volunteer? Then Click Here to pitch in $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund. Please consider making it monthly?
P.S.: The 2020 election cycle is already underway. Join PDA investing to elect progressives in 2020.