TONIGHT: Final “Campaign To Victory” Call before Tuesday elections. Join us!
Need All Hands Nationwide on Deck!
Join Us TONIGHT, 9pm ET/6pm PT for Next Steps to More Important Wins!
We have seven great Berniecrats running for VA State Senate. Early voting is going on right now, and election day is next Tuesday, June 20.
Now we need everyone across the country to join us for this important organizing call.
PDA campaign strategy will be discussed and you’ll leave energized and organized for more wins!
Thursday, June 15
9pm ET; 8pm CT; 7pm MT; 6pm PT & AZ; 5pm AK; 3pm HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure login
Can’t make it Thursday but want to help right now? Volunteer and/or donate.
The endorsed candidates:
1. Senate District 13 – Lashrecse Aird. Lashrecse is a progressive Black woman and former member of the Virginia House of Delegates. She has fought for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, and is running against Incumbent State Senator Joe Morrissey. If twice convicted felon Morrissey is re-elected, he could be the deciding vote on proposed restrictions on abortion. He is anti-choice.
2. Senate District 27 – Ben Litchfield. Ben is a graduate of Howard Law School who grew up in a trailer park. He is a fierce consumer protection advocate and a solid progressive. He formerly worked as an attorney at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
3. Senate District 29 – Elizabeth Guzman. Elizabeth is the former Bernie campaign Virginia Co-Chair and a progressive former member of the Virginia House of Delegates. She is Latina and an immigrant. She is one of five Virginia elected members of the Democratic National Committee. She advocates for collective bargaining and paid leave, among other causes. Elizabeth is running against incumbent State Senator Jeremy McPike.
4. Senate District 33 – Jennifer Carroll Foy. Jennifer is a progressive Black woman, a public defender and criminal justice reform advocate. As a former member of the House of Delegates, Jennifer was a lead sponsor of the Equal Rights Amendment in Virginia, and is a fierce advocate for the removal of coal ash produced by electric utility Dominion Virginia Power. Unlike Jennifer, who refuses to take money from Dominion, her opponent, Hala Alaya, took $100,000 from Dominion in her race for Lt. Governor in 2021 after promising in writing that she would not take any money from Dominion.
5. Senate District 35 – Heidi Drauschak. Heidi is a passionate advocate for campaign finance reform in a state with no campaign finance limits. She refuses to take any corporate money. She just gave birth to her first child. She is running against longtime incumbent State Senator Dave Marsdan who is funded by Dominion Energy and other corporate interests.
6. Senate District 36 – Stella Pekarsky. Stella is currently a progressive member of the Fairfax County Board of Education and is running against longtime incumbent George Barker who is corporate funded.
7. Senate District 37 – Saddam Salim. Saddam, a first generation Bangladeshi immigrant, is a progressive running against longtime incumbent Senator Chap Petersen, a gun and Confederate advocate. Saddam grew up homeless and is a housing and healthcare advocate.
Thanks so much for anything you can do to help bring home these vital victories, and we hope to see you.
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team