Three Simple Clicks For A More Progressive World
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team
Here’s the Easiest Way to Help
Please sign and share the following petitions:
1) Tell President Biden to demand a clean debt ceiling increase. No cuts to social safety net programs!
2) Tell the Senate to Fund the IRS. Republicans are trying to save their billionaire donors from audits.
3) Tell the House to Expel George Santos. We know, it’s an uphill fight. But we cannot go away silently on this!
4) Please let us know once you’ve acted.
Want to get even more involved? Volunteer and/or donate now.
Thanks so much for anything/all that you do!
Bless the PDA National Team for combining such ESSENTIAL demands for Democracy that PROTECT our Social Safety net programs, FUND our IRS, and get RID of UNFIT, treasonous, anti-democracy political puppets such as George Santos who is bought and USED to DESTROY our Nation and ALL that it stands in order to PROFIT off the suffering of masses of Americans!