This Sunday: Mobilize for Medicare for All and Time to Focus on Global Trade
This Week We Take Action: Medicare for All is being introduced simultaneously in the House and the Senate.
People are mobilizing to raise awareness about a new Pacific Trade Pact being negotiated by the Biden Administration. RSVP for our Sunday Town Hall.
When you think about why America has been in crisis for most of the past 15 years, two of the main causes of our misery are our hyper-privatized healthcare system and the wretched neoliberal trade pacts that sold out the American working class in the ’90s and the ’00s.
On this week’s Town Hall we focus on both of these matters, with a mind towards making policy better.
First, we’re going to hear from Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch’s Ryan Harvey about the negotiations among 12 nations to create the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, a massive new trade pact with huge implications for labor, the environment, and our overall economic welfare.
There’s been little coverage in the press, but Ryan is going to give us the lowdown and also explain why workers and activists are mobilizing around the upcoming summit in Detroit to raise awareness.
Then, it’s time to hit the phones, send emails, and amplify each other on social media like never before! Because three days later, Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Sen. Bernie Sanders will be jointly introducing their Medicare for All bills in the House and the Senate. It’s time to raise our voices above the din so all souls get the message: healthcare is a human right!
Let’s all come together this Sunday at the Town Hall. CLICK HERE to RSVP now!
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team