The Fight for $15 is a Fight We Must Win
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
We must Raise Our Voices in Unison and Demand
a National $15 Minimum Wage
A Federal $15/hour minimum wage is an absolute necessity. Currently the national minimum wage is an absurd $7.25 and $2.13 for tipped workers. Those amounts are worse than poverty wages.
This one measure, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, will dramatically improve the lives of millions of American workers. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s sound economics. Working people will have more money to spend. More goods and services will be purchased, more businesses will thrive.
Even as workers across the country are bravely striking for $15 an hour, some Democratic Senators are balking in their support. We must let them know that nothing short of a $15 minimum wage is acceptable, and it must be part of the current COVID-19 relief package!
All week long and until we pass this measure, share the hashtags #Fightfor15 and #RaiseTheWage—and call your Senators to demand they join in the Fight for $15. Let us know how your call went, and help PDA fight for economic justice across America.