Tell President Biden to declare a Climate Emergency
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Staff
While there assuredly are some good elements of the Inflation Reduction Act—like incentives for green manufacturing and installation and energy upgrades for homes—the measures fall far short of what we need.
And so long as Sen. Joe Manchin wields as much power as he currently does in the Senate, and every single Republican does the bidding of the fossil fuel industry, we’re going to have to look elsewhere for the powerful actions our current situation demand.
Please join a large coalition effort we’re showing solidarity with and quickly make the following happen:
Step 1: Sign this petition asking President Biden to declare a Climate Emergency;
Step 2: Contact the White House directly (preferably call). Then let us know that you’ve acted.
Step 3: Toss in what you can to help us grow the movement to combat the Climate Emergency.
It’s up to us all to make the difference for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.