Stand with the Dreamers — Fight for DACA
Let’s Support Our Dreamers
Get ready to fight …. Tell Trump – No Cuts To DACA!
It’s time to take it to the streets!
The rumors are flying – first it was Friday but now we hear from the White House an announcement will be forthcoming on Tuesday. Trump is seriously thinking about ending the very popular DACA program. That means that 800,000 undocumented youth will lose their ability to work and support their families. They can be forced out of school, prevented from working, having a drivers license and deported to a country they know nothing about, have no family, no connections or history with. Because all 800,000 Dreamers are Americans in every way and in every sense of the word. They know no other country. Yet our American President and many Republican elected officials think differently.
We in PDA say Hell No! – It’s time to take a stand !
Contact your local Immigration rights / activist organization
Join a protest in your city – Let’s show up in large numbers !
Nationally contact: United We Dream –
Progressive Democrats of America is appalled by Donald Trump’s plans to end the DACA program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. PDA strongly support the Dreamers. PDA is outraged by the lack of definitive immigration policy solutions offered by the Republican-majority Congress that could have saved this nation from the horror of unwarranted, unwise deportations and the ridiculous, selfish marketing of some outrageously expensive wall on our southern border (not to mention the disgusting plan to hold Hurricane Harvey relief funds hostage unless the wall is funded). This latest assault on some of this nation’s most vulnerable people is an affront to us all.
Support the Dream Act : Please tell your elected officials to join Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) cosponsoring the Dream Act. This is important because of the precarious situation endangering young people who have been covered under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
For more information on how to link up with a support DACA event in your city, contact: Patrick Morales – or Dan O’Neal –