
Questions Unasked

Oct 25, 2019

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team.

Demand Questions About Poverty
In The DNC Presidential Debates

The next presidential debate is scheduled for November 20th, and we hope you will help us demand questions about poverty.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) notes sadly that even after four rounds of presidential debates, there have been no questions addressing poverty, hunger, or homelessness.

As I look around my home, I am grateful for the many things I have and too often take for granted. Food. A safe place to sleep. A fulfilling occupation that lets me pay my bills. But far too many of our sisters and brothers lack such necessities. Nothing will change unless we do something about it.


Sign The Petition: Demand Questions On Poverty


These debates provide voters with important information about the candidates vying for the Democratic nomination. However, we’ve learned almost nothing about their plans to end poverty. Only Bernie Sanders has offered insights into his policies to address hunger, homelessness, and poverty.

In the four rounds of debates so far, there hasn’t been even one question about the epidemic levels of poverty in our society, impacting approximately 140 million Americans.

Sadly, the refusal to address poverty is a shameful element of mainstream “moderate” Democrats. The DNC hierarchy is reluctant even to use the word “poverty.” So, it shouldn’t be surprising that these DNC sanctioned debates shamefully avoid the subject.

Please see PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky’s article in The Nation magazine* about the struggle of PDA activist Susie Shannon to form the first ever Democratic National Committee (DNC) Poverty Council.

We at PDA refuse let the DNC or the mainstream media ignore the life and death struggle of millions of marginalized people. We demand economic justice, and we advocate for policies that will help all Americans suffering from economic distress.

You can help! Sign the petition, and pitch in to support our work towards eradicating poverty from our society—the richest in human history. There’s more than enough wealth to go around. No one should be homeless, hungry, or poor.

We appreciate all you do to help make progress on these and other issues. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time.

We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s demands for Justice or Bust.

PDA helps you make a huge difference with petitions like this, Educate Congress letter drops, action alerts, and coalition efforts with dozens of progressive organizations.

Email Mike Fox to get active with our ongoing progressive actions! Can’t help organize? Then Click Here to pitch in $100, $50, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s organizing for economic and social justice.


P.S. *Read Alan’s article in The Nation magazine. The 2020 election cycle is starting. Join PDA investing to elect progressives in 2020.

1 Comment

  1. cris elstro

    Is it fair for the least paid employee to pay as much for their health insurance as the highest paid employee?
