Progressive Town Hall this Sunday. Free Speech and Journalism in Crisis: The Case of Julian Assange
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
Join us Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT for an Update on the Case of Julian Assange and its Implications for Free Speech and Journalism
Should the Biden Administration persist in demanding Julian Assange’s removal from Great Britain to the United States, investigative journalism as we know it will be in mortal danger.
Future administrations will claim a legal basis to extradite any journalist, anywhere in the world, whether they’re American citizens or not – setting a precedent for authoritarian governments around the world.
Join Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, PDA Advisory Board Member and former President of the National Lawyers Guild Marjorie Cohn, USC Law Professor Jody Armour, and PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky for this essential Town Hall on Sunday at 4pm ET / 1p PT. Register here, and invite your friends.
Hope to see you Sunday!
I hope the Progressive Democrats can steer the larger party back to the position held by the Obama administration. It is shameful that President Biden has taken up Trump’s mantle in the prosecution of Julian Assange.
If lies can start wars, the truth can end them.