Progressive Agenda for a New Congress
photo: PDA Board President Conor Boylan with Single Payer Champion Mark Dudzic
In solidarity, Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) understands that all of our hard work in 2018 comes to fruition tomorrow when the new Democratic majority is seated in the U. S. House of Representatives. However, we should have no illusions that the current Democratic caucus is going to champion progressive policies. Indeed, on numerous issues it looks like the new majority will be split roughly down the middle between progressives and moderates. This means two things:
1. We have to be ready to make the strongest case possible for the progressive side on all of these issues—and so PDA will be ready!
2. We must insist that progressive positions get a fair hearing—and PDA is ready to make that demand.
Help Sustain Progressive Momentum
With a tip of the hat to writer and activist Robert Borosage, here’s a partial list of issues we’re working on:
√ Strengthening Democracy
√ Racial, Social, and Economic Justice
√ Improved Medicare For All
√ Equal Rights Amendment
√ Green New Deal & “Off Fossil Fuels Act”
√ Expanding Social Security
√ Clean, Fair, Open Elections
√ Fight for $15 / Living Wage
√ Empowering Workers and Unions
√ Ending Wars and Occupations
√ Ending Corporate Rule
√ Restoring Net Neutrality
√ Immigrant Rights and Reform
√ The Progressive “People’s Budget”
When these matters are brought to the floor, PDA will be right there alongside our progressive champions making the case for why the progressive positions are best for the people and the planet—and essential for all Democrats to embrace.
We Progressives Achieved So Much In 2018
Help PDA Make 2019 Even More Successful!
Please tell your friends, family, and all your political allies that PDA, the organization most-responsible for the rise of progressive politics in our time, is looking for their help so we can do even more. In 2019, we want to build so much progressive momentum that we will set the table for winning both houses of Congress the White House in 2020. Please become a PDA sustainer today. With your strong support, we will set the agenda and make 2019 the Year of the Progressive!
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
P.S. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective movement building calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. No time to make calls? Then please pitch in whatever you can afford each month to support our organizing.
If you can pitch in $5 per month, that’s great! $10? Wonderful! $100? Spectacular! Whatever is good for you is great for us. Thanks so much for anything you can do right now to help us reach our 100 new sustainers goal.