Press Release: Progressives Urge Senate to Put Israeli Aid In Escrow
For Immediate Release April 23, 2024
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) Urges the U.S. Senate to Hold All Israeli Military Aid in Escrow to Ensure That Israel Fully Complies with U.S. and International Law, and to Secure a Ceasefire in Gaza
Mimi Kennedy, Actor, Activist, Former Chair of Progressive Democrats of America Advisory Board, Mimi@pdamerica.org 818-515-1291
Alan Minsky, Executive Director, Progressive Democrats of America Alan@PDAmerica.org 818-749-9497
Mike Hersh, Communications Director, Progressive Democrats of America Mike@PDAmerica.org 301-602-9388
Washington, D.C.—Progressive Democrats of America, a grassroots activist political action committee, is urging U.S. Senators to hold all military aid for Israel into an escrow account to be held there unless and until a permanent ceasefire in Gaza is negotiated.
Mimi Kennedy, Former PDA Advisory Board Chair, renowned actor and activist said, “In order to protect civilians in Gaza, all U.S. military aid to Israel should be placed in escrow, with release contingent on U.S. certification and assurance from the U.N. that Israel is in full compliance with U.S. and International law.&rdquo
Kennedy explained, “The inability of U.S. citizens, even a majority, to influence our country’s policies of war and peace, in a rapid and effective way, has long been obvious to many. Our support for Israel’s war in Gaza has made it painfully obvious. And now, perilously, the U.S. stands before the world as an accomplice to Israel’s flagrant violation of international law in Gaza. Yet Congress continues to pass aid because so many of our legislators – and their constituents and donors – cannot turn their backs on our ally, for valid reasons involving historical memory and conscience.”
She said, “It is time to create an escrow account for further aid to Israel. With such an account we can still aid Israel, showing support for our ally, but understanding that these funds will not be released until the U.N. certifies that Israel is in compliance with international law regarding treatment of civilians in Gaza.”
Kennedy concluded, “We cannot stand by any longer. We must turn our nation away from complicity with these grave errors, committed in front of the whole world, that are egregious violations of international law. This can be achieved, without abandoning Israel, by placing our promised aid to our longtime ally in an escrow account. On behalf of the majority of Americans, we ask U.S. Senators to consider this option before voting to appropriate funds to Israel.”
Alan Minsky, PDA Executive Director, said, “PDA issued a timely statement several months ago condemning Hamas and its terrorist attacks on Israel, without reservation. We stand by that, and we also condemn Israel’s retaliation which has gone far beyond any reasonable response.”
Minksy said, “Therefore, we call upon the U.S. Senate to step up to stop the ongoing military attacks targeting civilians in Gaza, and urge immediate action to secure a permanent ceasefire. We believe withholding military aid and placing it in escrow unless and until Israel agrees and commits to complying with U.S. and international laws is both fair and sensible.”
PDA Communications Director Mike Hersh said, “We at Progressive Democrats of America are both heartbroken and appalled by the loss of innocent life, and we’re offering this proposal in hopes of securing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. With the recent conclusion of Ramadan, and the advent of Passover, now is the time to declare a halt to the bloodshed.”
Hersh said, “We agree with Senators Durbin, Van Hollen, Sanders, and others that Israel must end its military actions targeting civilians in Gaza. We offer this proposal to help ensure that Israel adhere to international legal standards, and with the expectation that the U.S. will enforce our laws barring military aid to any nation using such aid in an aggressive manner. We see placing military aid into an escrow account as an effective, thoughtful method to achieve these aims.”
Read Mimi Kennedy’s full statement here [link pending].
Progressive Democrats of America is a Grassroots Political Action Committee launched in 2004 to advance progressive policies and help elect progressive candidates. Our goal is to help create governing progressive majorities in the House and Senate. For more information please see: PDAmerica.org
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