PDA Weekly Review and Preview for 5-11-24: Join us!
Much Done, and Much More to Do:
Here’s How We Can All Help Bring Home Wins
First, thank you so much if you’ve been working with us over the past week. Your efforts are making a real difference, and you inspire!
We’ve been working hard to get our endorsed candidates with May primaries over the finish line to victory.
We also continued our work to bring peace, to combat AIPAC and other dark corporatist money’s toxic influence on elections, to reform the Democratic Party from within, and to promote social, economic, environmental, and racial justice.
We’ll continue this work, seven days a week, and we hope you’ll join us in one or more of our actions coming up!
Just an hour here or there can make a real difference when it’s focused on a productive goal.
Please pick one or more of these actions/projects, and let’s make some noise together!
1) Progressive Virtual Town Hall Sunday: Special MOTHER’S DAY event, plus Defeating Trump and MAGA with Progressive Candidates and Policy Positions. We will first focus on the love inherently associated with Mother’s Day, and pledge to bring that kind of spirit to all of our important organizing work. Featured guest: mother of 5 and tremendous progressive congressional candidate Tekesha Martinez will outline her path to victory in Tuesday’s primary. Finally, a segment on the struggles before us vs MAGA’s Project 2025. You’ll leave energized, organized, and definitely more hopeful. We hope you’ll join us.
2) Congressional Liaisons Organizing Call Monday: the Road to Ceasefire Now! Join us to get all you need to do effective outreach to your Congressperson.
3) Join the National Phone Team. Sign up with this juggernaut and make a real difference an hour here, an hour there, on your schedule. Sign up here, let us know what day you can set an hour aside, and we’ll get you cookin’ calling fellow PDA folks. We’ll make sure you’re doing something easy but productive!
4) For “Clicktivists”—Sign/Share:
- Sign the petition to Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Drop out;
- Tell the Senate: Pass the Stock Buyback Accountability Act Now;
- Tell Pres. Biden: No National Guard on college campuses. Reaffirm the right to protest now;
- Become a grassroots co-sponsor of Elizabeth Warren’s Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act;
- Sign if you agree: A vote for Trump is a vote against our democracy’s survival;
- Write letters to your members of Congress, urging them to support the nation’s first Climate Preserve associated with a National Park;
- Demand the Democratic Party reject AIPAC;
Sign the petition to pass the State-Based Universal Health Care Act;
Tell Congress: Greedy tax dodging corporations must pay their fair share in taxes;
- Sign the Petition to keep fighting, and keep winning, for abortion rights;
- Sign to support the resolution in Congress for immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine;
- Join our Click Brigade if you’re up for quick and easy rapid-response “likes” and shares across a multitude of platforms.
Thanks so much for anything you can do today for all our tomorrows. Let’s get to work!
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team