
PDA Virtual Town Hall w Thomas Frank, Wed., 8pm ET/5pm PT: What Does “Progressive” Mean in 2020?

Sep 15, 2020

See you tomorrow…

Alan Minsky for Mike F, Janis, Deb, Mike H, Donna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team


Join Author Thomas Frank and PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky as They Discuss How Our Progressive Movement is the Heir to the Great Populist Movement of the Late 19th and early 20th Century

Thomas Frank, author of many bestsellers including What’s the Matter with Kansas and Listen, Liberal, is one of the great social commentators and analysts of our time. His new book, The People, No is another instant classic that pinpoints how American elites have consistently fought against popular democratic movements – from the late 19th century through to the 2016 and 2020 Bernie Sanders campaigns.

This is no small matter for our time, in which left progressive politics are more popular and more empowered than any time in recent memory. Yet, we remain the minority faction within the Democratic Party. The dominant neo-liberal faction, by all appearances, is ready to deploy every trick in Thomas’ book against our movement.

Suffice to say – we have a lot to learn from Thomas. So, make sure to join us for what promises to be a truly illuminating and hyper-relevant conversation between Thomas and Alan – followed by your questions.

It’s happening this Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT via Zoom. RSVP to Mike Fox.


1 Comment

  1. Denise Chaikin

    Oh the irony of “progressive democrat”. Will he address the Dems removing down ballot third party candidates in Texas? How about how Obama tipped the scales on the eve of SuperTuesday?
    If those topics will be discussed I’m in, if not I’m uninterested. Let me know if it is worthwhile for me to attend. I’m already clear on what it means to be progressive.
