
PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday: “Beating the Delta Variant”. RSVP Now!

Aug 6, 2021 | PDA News

Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team

Help Us Beat The Delta Variant. Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday, 4pm ET/1pm PT


At Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), we are committed to continuing to bring to light the inequities and inhumanities of commoditized healthcare in the U.S., especially as we have all now experienced with the public health crisis of #COVID19.

COVID19It should now be clear to everyone that the commercial business practices of Big Insurance and Big Pharma have resulted in over 200,000 U.S. COVID-19 lives lost that would have been spared with a #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll system in place.

How can these establishment politicians and defenders of the status quo sleep at night?

All manner of COVID-care, including testing, contact tracing, and vaccinations, have been inadequate and inequitable, due to the influence of these proprietary interests and corporate robber barons.

Even vaccine-refusal has systemic roots in the U.S. far beyond the politics of misinformation that is not being talked about in the print or screen media. When your ability to see a doctor in this country is rationed down to on-average 4 times a year, compared to Japan’s 13 times a year, who do you think is going to trust their doctor more as a source of reliable medical information for proposed treatments of any kind, including vaccinations?

Thanks a lot, U.S. healthcare status quo defenders.

Join us this Sunday and every Sunday for the duration of this public health emergency for the PDA Healthcare Emergency Online Town Hall at 4p ET / 1p PT. On Sunday, August 8, we welcome two guest speakers, both longtime Public Health and Single Payer advocates, to address these issues:  Public Health Analyst and Planner in Disaster Recovery Lisa Patrick-Mudd and former President of the American Public Health Association Dr. Walter Tsou, MD, MPH. Please, register here.

And please, volunteer and/or donate as well.

Thanks, and onward!

PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.

