
Nina Turner: The Most Significant Special Election in Memory

Jul 25, 2021 | PDA News

Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team

“Only All that We Love is on the Line”—Nina Turner


The Democratic primary in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District on August 3rd is as important a special election as has been held in recent American history.

The Democratic Party is currently split between a moderate status quo, and an ascendant progressive movement seeking to move the Party to the left. The two wings of the Party frequently square off in primary races; however, the stakes have never been as high as in Ohio-11.  

There are two reasons for this: the national prominence of Nina Turner, the brilliant progressive candidate, and the no-holds-barred effort by leading moderates to block Nina Turner from being elected to Congress.

As such, the OH-11 primary raises the question that has defined PDA since our founding in 2004: Is it possible to move the Democratic Party away from the pro-corporate, neoliberal policies that have defined it since the Clinton Presidency, and transform it into a truly progressive party?

We believed the answer was yes in 2004; we believe it with greater confidence today—and we see a solid progressive majority coming of age in America. 

Sure, it’s true that the moderate Democratic Party establishment is doing everything it can to defeat a great progressive in OH-1—but that is hardly the behavior of a confident status quo.

Indeed, we have the opportunity for a ground-shattering, history-making victory in OH-11!

Let’s make it happen: sign up to phone bank for Nina.

Support Nina Turner for Congress!

Help PDA transform the Democartic Party into the party that its base of supporters want it to be—a true, progressive people’s party—by becoming a PDA sustainer.

Thanks for anything you can do.


