Needed: A Powerful Progressive Movement in 2019
In solidarity, Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
How Can Progressives Maintain Our Momentum?
It Will Take Sustained Focus and Follow Through
We progressives are living in exciting but also perilous times. On the one hand, for the first time in decades the progressive movement is a powerful force in electoral politics and a major influence on public policy.
The election of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)-endorsed candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Chuy Garcia, and Ilhan Omar to Congress has built upon the momentum created by the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign—which PDA helped to spark. Now, our progressive positions are increasingly heard and respected in the halls of power.
Help Sustain Progressive Momentum
Sustain The Mass Movement For Progress
On the other hand, anti-democratic right-wing forces remain powerful in the country and across the world. This is also an era defined by the ongoing collapse of the world’s environment especially climate destabilization, and all the chaos which that entails. Therefore, we cannot afford to lose.This means we’ve entered into a new era. We have a chance at winning; and we must win.
This means we have to be more serious than ever about presenting our ideas clearly; making a strong case that our proposals are the best for society. The challenge we face is that we’re no longer preaching to the choir. There are millions-upon-millions of Americans unfamiliar with our ideas that we have to persuade. So, it’s time for us to be on our A game!
So, in 2019, PDA will be ready to go the extra round in every policy battle, for every progressive cause. We know we’re going to be on the front lines of the battle over every policy. So, we’ll be working and re-working our messaging, and doing all the research necessary to persuade our fellow citizens that we can make life better for Americans and people everywhere.
This will take determination, time, and, of course, money; and the best way to help PDA sustain its efforts in 2019 is to become a PDA Sustainer. We don’t get a dime from corporations or billionaires. We rely on activists like you. Please give $100, $27, $10, or $5 each month.
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is all about building a grassroots populist progressive majority. Join the movement we’ve been building since 2004. We promise to deliver more activism per dollar than any other organization. So, if you are a political progressive, we are your team!
As we start 2019, there is no more important organization in the country than PDA when it comes to fighting for the politics that we need at this historic moment. “Make your dollars holler” by becoming aChange Makes Change (CMC) monthly sustainer, or by increasing your sustainer commitment!
Your automatic gift sustains us and our efforts. Sustainers help us budget our time and efforts, and aid in preparing rapid response to the whirlwind of policy initiatives, executive orders, court decisions, indictments, and especially the general chaos that swirls around the Trump fiasco.We need to enroll 100 new sustainers, and I hope you will become one of them. Please give $250, $20.20, $10, or $5 as a monthly gift to PDA. Your monthly gift keeps us on track to win victories for all of us.
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
P.S. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. No time to make calls? Then please pitch in whatever you can afford each month to support our organizing.If you can give $5 per month, that’s great! $10? Wonderful! $100? Spectacular! Whatever is good for you is great for us. Thanks so much for anything you can do right now to help us reach our magic 100 goal.