
Mitch McConnell must be Defeated: On to Victory in Georgia

Dec 30, 2020

For progressive victories in 2021,
Alan Minsky, Executive Director, for the PDA National Team

We Have an Unprecedented Opportunity in Georgia

to Demote the Worst Senator of the 21st Century

This past week has proven one thing to me: the outrageous and obscene presidency of Donald Trump masked just how terrible Mitch McConnell truly is.  

Now that Trump is heading out the door, McConnell is exposed as one of the most cruel politicians in American history. He is literally denying the American people a lifeline they desperately need: a $2,000 stimulus check to help them through winter amidst a shattered economy and a lethal pandemic.

Fortunately, we have an unique opportunity in the next week to weaken and marginalize Mitch McConnell by winning both U.S. Senate seats in Georgia on January 5th and demoting Mitch to the Senate minority.

Indeed, PDA is working non-stop across the holidays to defeat Mitch McConnell and the GOP in Georgia, just as we will work non-stop on behalf of the interests of poor, working, and middle-class people, whatever the results of these special elections.

Help PDA deliver victory in Georgia, either by donating to our 2021 victory fund or by volunteering with PDA’s Georgia GOTV project.

1 Comment

  1. Isabel

    I pray to God Mitch Macconnall will be demoted or kicked out the door.
