
Let’s Turn Central Texas Progressive Blue with Mike Siegel and Julie Oliver

Oct 28, 2020

In solidarity,

Alan Minsky for your PDA National Team


Help PDA Turn Central Texas Progressive Blue


For years Austin, Texas, has been a progressive oasis in the heart of Texas – appropriately represented in Congress by PDA-endorsed incumbent Lloyd Doggett.

This year, we can turn the entire Austin region progressive blue, as two great progressives are challenging reactionary Republicans in adjacent districts.


To the south and east of Austin, Mike Siegel is trying to knock off incumbent Mike McCaul. Siegel came close in 2018 and right now he’s neck-and-neck with McCaul in the homestretch. Mike Siegel will be an unwavering progressive in Congress, one of PDA’s closest  allies as we advance an agenda that will revitalize American democracy and the middle class while addressing the climate emergency.

Please give what you can to support Mike Siegel in the final days of the campaign or volunteer to make calls into his district.


To the north and west of Austin, there’s another great progressive running for Congress, Julie Oliver.

Julie is herself in a tight race against GOP incumbent Roger Williams. Like Mike, Julie is an unapologetic progressive. She is a particularly inspired advocate for Medicare for All, as she has spent her career inside the healthcare industry, and is a passionate believer in universal single-payer healthcare. In this time of the pandemic, we need Julie Oliver in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Please give what you can to support Julie’s campaign or volunteer to make calls into her district.

