Let the DNC Know: Democrats Must Ban Dark Money from the Primaries
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
This year’s Democratic Primaries were perverted by an unprecedented avalanche of big money spent against progressive candidates in races across the country. Demand that the DNC take action when it meets tomorrow
On Thursday, the Resolution Committee of the DNC will consider a motion to ban dark money from Democratic primaries.This resolution, introduced by progressives, would severely curtail the influence of big-money interests, corporate donors and Republican billionaires in Democratic primaries, and pave the way toward primary elections that truly reflect the will of the voters.
Although the Democratic Party’s official line is to oppose the influence of dark money in politics, we anticipate that many influential party members will oppose the resolution on Thursday. They have enjoyed the support of big-money donors for many election cycles and want to protect their interests. That’s why we’re asking PDA supporters to raise their voices in support of the resolution.
Please also phone them at 202-863-8000.
If you want to learn more about the resolution, check out this article by Robert Borosage in The Nation.
Support PROGRESSIVE candidates.