Just This – Healthcare NOT Warfare
By Donna Smith, Executive Director – for the PDA Team
That’s all. For more than a decade, PDA has been standing for peace and justice. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
This weekend as you engage around the country for social, economic and climate justice and for peace, pay attention to that nagging feeling of unrest and uncertainty elevated in recent months by the Trumpublican rhetoric and agenda. That nagging feeling is what tells us that our work matters and that peace still matters. Our planet matters. Our fellow human beings matter. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
Iran is testing its missiles. North Korea is reacting with increased threats against the U.S. as Trump plays BMOC like a young boy who hasn’t yet figured out that peace is strength. My stomach turned this morning as the latest reports of the saber rattling intensified. Imagine how many other people are feeling all over the world about this escalation of nuclear threats. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
Yet, we know there is another way. Peace. Human decency. Compassion. Healthcare NOT Warfare, 2007 – present. The campaign PDA hopes and fights to retire someday. Are you willing to help? Join us. And yes, give a little bit of money if you can. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
Did you call your senators this week about voting no on Graham-Cassidy/Trumpcare? Keep calling. Just because John McCain is voting no, it does not mean we can let up. Call the Senate switchboard: 202-224-3121. While you are on the phone, tell them you do not want any more war. Period. We need and our fellow human beings on this planet need peace and to support one another as we face multiple natural disasters. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
Then please throw us some financial support if you are able. We wish we did not need to fund so much fight-back, but we do. Your support means we can do more. Healthcare NOT Warfare.
Donna Smith for the PDA Team
Trump says he’ll veto Medicare For All Bill. Now what? Why does he want a list of names of FB dissenters? To round them up? Is it turn over to Bannon and his white supremacist groups to revenge us? As DOJ demands list of names from Face Book of Trump dissenters? I say class action lawsuit if Zuckerberg complies and find the best civil rights attorney to represent FB members who don’t like 45’s dictator move. What’s next? A roundup? Will PDA stand with us? Help us?
Hi Donna, have you ever wondered if PDA would do better with a Green Party alliance?