
Join Us Celebrating Our New Advisory Board Vice Chair!

Feb 28, 2020

Photo: Andrea Miller and Rodney Sadler on Capitol Hill

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Donna, and Janis—your PDA national team.

Celebrate Dr. Rodney Sadler, Our New Advisory Board Vice-Chair
Support PDA’s Hard Work To Transform American Politics


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is pleased to announce that Dr. Rodney S. Sadler, Jr. has agreed to serve as the Vice-Chair of PDA’s National Advisory Board. Dr. Sadler has been a member of the Advisory Board, and is Co-Chair of People Demanding Action, PDA’s sibling organization at which he works with executive director Andrea Miller—who is among the most creative problem-solvers and coalition-builders and a consummate organizer.

I’ve also worked with Dr. Sadler, and I know he is among the wisest, most compassionate, and highly effective progressive leaders I’ve ever met. His expertise and commitment make him the perfect choice to support Advisory Chair Donna Smith—herself a former executive director of PDA, and one of the kindest, smartest, and best organizers in the USA. Together, Donna and Rodney will make an unstoppable team for PDA!

Some more background on Dr. Sadler: He is Vice Chair of the Charlotte Clergy Coalition for Justice, Co-Chair of the Truth Reconciliation and Anti-poverty Commission, and has worked organizing and developing resources for the Forward Together/Moral Monday Movement.


Pitch In To Help PDA Expand Our Organizing!


Pitch In Whatever You Can To Help PDA


Can’t contribute money? Contribute time to help progressives win Saturday and Tuesday and beyond. Click Here to get on the phones with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.

We founded PDA in 2004 because we were concerned that fundamental progressive values—Medicare For All, stopping Global Warming, ending wars and occupations, economic and social justice—were lost behind the neoliberalism and neoconservatism holding sway in both major parties.

PDA supports progressive candidates who will fight for life-saving policies and fundamental systemic change to counteract rampant greed and divert expenditures to meet human needs. If you agree with our essential mission, then please pitch in to help empower our efforts to expand and empower the progressive movement.

Our job is to help bring together a massive inclusive, intersectional, intergenerational, diverse, grassroots populist / progressive coalition that can win elections and transform our political and economic systems so they work for everyone—not just the oligarchs.

That’s been PDA’s mission since our founding. If you support our mission, please sustain our work with an automatic monthly donation. We need 100 new automatic monthly donations before Super Tuesday (March 3rd) to pay for:

  • Travel and housing so PDA activists can canvass for progressive candidates
  • Rally signs, buttons, bumperstickers, and other items to get the message out
  • Online tools including websites, action alerts, webinars, web-conferences, and media outreach
  • Organizers to empower you and other volunteers to achieve important victories

We need your sustained, monthly support so we can plan, budget, and expand our activism. Are you in this struggle for the long haul? If so, please pitch in by making automatic donations every month! Questions? Can’t make a donation right now, but still want to help? Email Mike Fox.


Support PDA’s Progressive Mobilization
With Automatic Monthly Donations

