
Hurricane Season

Aug 30, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity with Mother Nature and her children (all of us),
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team


Warmer Waters Fuel More Destructive Hurricanes—We Need Policies to Decelerate Climate Change: Join PDA’s Climate Liaison Team Today


Andrew (1992), Katrina (2005), Isaac (2012), Ida (2021)—Atlantic hurricanes making landfall in late August have wreaked death, destruction, and damage that persist long after the headlines have moved on, long after FEMA has left the affected areas, long after rubble has been cleared and structures rebuilt.

As ocean waters warm and rise from the melting of glaciers, the equilibrium of these systems falters. Currents change and weather patterns become more erratic, intensifying storms. Funds from both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act will bolster efforts to better predict and cope with devastating weather events, and build climate resilience into vulnerable communities—that’s all of us, by the way.

We rightly celebrate these recent efforts to combat the climate crisis at the federal level and adapt to changing storm patterns, but they are far from sufficient to slow the deleterious effects of human-made climate change caused by the production and use of fossil fuels.

We need to take much stronger policy steps to lower emissions. That’s the job of Congress, and that’s where you can help. Become part of PDA’s Climate Liaison Team, educating and guiding Members of Congress toward policies that will not just help us adapt to climate change, but eventually to slow it down.

PDA Congressional Liaisons Call
Wed., Aug. 31
8pm ET/5pm PT
Click here to register to become a liaison and we’ll get you the secure login for the meeting.

Can’t attend the meeting? Toss in what you can to help us expand our efforts to move U.S. policy faster toward goals of zero-emissions sustainable energy production.

We can make a real difference now for today and for future generations.


