
Here are the candidates who will make a real difference. Pile on!

Jul 26, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA national team

Vote, Volunteer, And/Or Donate to get These Great Progressives Through Their Primaries August 2.
Join the Campaign Team Zoom Thursday


We have very exacting standards at PDA regarding who we nationally endorse.

They must support Expanded and Improved Medicare For All, the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, along with aggressive progressive legislation to address the climate emergency, social and racial justice, and peace.

Plus, they must stand strong in the face of corporatists, Trumpists, and others who are working to destroy our democracy.

Each of these champions have already done so, or will no doubt fight the good fight for us all.

If you’re in-district, vote on or before August 2, and contact us if you have any questions about how to cast your ballot.

Regardless of where you live, we ask that you pile on our national phonebank for these folks, and join us for our campaign organizing zoom Thursday, July 28, 9pm ET/6pm PT.

Cori Bush, MO-01  Volunteer  Donate

Andy Levin, MI-11  Volunteer  Donate

Rashida Tlaib, MI-12  Volunteer  Donate

Jason Call, WA-02  Volunteer  Donate

Each one of these champions will make a difference, regardless of where you live. As they say, “You may not be able to vote for these folks, but they’ll vote for you.”

Thanks so much for anything you can do. Hope to see you Thursday!

