Help Save the Planet, Become a PDA Climate Liaison – Zoom Thursday 8pm ET / 5pm PT
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
PDA Endorses H.R. 6168: The Future Generations Protection Act. Join us on Thursday at 8pm ET/5pm PT to Learn about this Exemplary Environmental Legislation
If the United States government and American society are going to combat the climate emergency and help preserve our habitat on planet earth, at least two things have to happen: 1) The citizenry needs to become much more engaged and insist that carbon-free renewable energy sources replace the use of fossil fuels; 2) The government must enact policies that ensure this transformation in our energy system.
PDA’s Congressional Climate Liaison Program is designed to achieve both of these necessary steps. First, it trains people to take decisive action to protect the planet by becoming citizen lobbyists. Then, the liaisons head straight to the heart of American political power and demand that their Congressperson and Senators support legislation that mandates the actions that climate scientists say are necessary to avert global catastrophe.
So, join us this Thursday at 8pm ET/5pm PT when our Climate Liaisons will learn about Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s H.R. 6168: The Future Generations Protection Act, so they can reach out to their Representatives and ask them to co-sponsors this excellent piece of legislation.
Elizabeth Schaeffer, the Executive Director of Food & Water Watch, will be joined by a staff member from Rep. Schakowsky’s office to explain the contents of the legislation and discuss our strategy for gaining more co-sponsors.
This is exactly the work that needs to be done to save the planet, and avert climate catastrophe. Sign up for the meeting here.
Thanks so much for all that you do.