Help Make Congress More Progressive
By Mike Hersh, Maryland Coordinator, Progressive Democrats of America for Mike F., Judy, Janis, Donna, Deb, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Dr. Bill—Your PDA National Team
Elect Roger Manno To Congress
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PDA was founded in 2004 to help elect progressives and to make a real difference organizing for progress. Early voting in Maryland is going on now. Phone bank, canvass, and donate to help PDA Nationally-Endorsed Maryland Congressional Candidate Roger Manno win a highly contested primary against corporate Dems for the open 6th district seat.
In Maryland? Find more information including your early voting and Election Day polling places here. Anywhere in the world? Join our National Call with PDA Endorsed Congressional Candidate Roger Manno. Wednesday, June 20th 9pm Dial-in Number: (641) 715-0873 Access Code: 914389#
Volunteer Right Now to Help Elect Roger
Please Give Generously to the Campaign
We Need Roger Manno In Congress
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Joel Segal, one of PDA’s best friends in the Congress during his thirteen years as a staffer, wrote this about Roger Manno:
I worked closely with Roger Manno when we were both staffers on Capitol Hill. Roger was a huge part of our effort to relaunch the national healthcare movement. He worked with the core group drafting Medicare for All legislation (HR 676) and building the diverse and powerful coalition that made healthcare reform possible.
Roger’s thoughtful input and commitment to healthcare reform were indispensable from the drafting of the legislation, through his outreach to colleagues in Congress, and his support for healthcare reform as a state legislator. He brought his leadership and focus on helping people in need to the Maryland legislature where he was an effective and concerned leader.
Roger Manno is an exemplary candidate for Congress. He is experienced and creative. He’s dedicated to serving the people of Maryland’s 6th district, and will do so from day one.
– Joel Segal, Former Congressional Staffer, Lead Author of HR 676
This is a familiar political showdown. Roger is running against a billionaire and a millionaire-friendly candidate embraced by corporate insiders. The billionaire is trying to buy this Congressional seat after failing to buy the 8th District seat in 2016. The corporate Dem has a record of catering to the 1%. Both of them are pouring $millions into this primary. Roger is pouring his heart and soul into this effort. He needs your support. Will you help him? Volunteer | Donate | Sign Up.
Upon receiving our endorsement a few months back, Roger said, “I’m honored to have the support of Progressive Democrats in my race for the 6th Congressional District. I’ve worked alongside PDA for Healthcare as a Human Right, for the Equal Rights Amendment, to stop Global Warming, to ban Fracking, as well as for economic and social justice.”
Roger led the struggle to ban fracking, help patients gain healthcare and afford medications, facilitate voter registration, lift the arbitrary deadline from the Equal Rights Amendment, and much more. No other candidate in this primary contest can match this record. That’s why PDA gives Roger Manno our highest endorsement.
Volunteer for the campaign! Click here to make calls from your own home. Too busy to volunteer? Click here to support the Manno campaign with a generous contribution. For more information about Roger Manno’s candidacy, click here. PDA and other Maryland progressives are volunteering with Roger’s campaign every day.
Progressive values are ingrained in Roger. He doesn’t just talk about it; he’s lived it. From his website: “I know what it’s like to worry about money, to carry student loan debt, to wait in an emergency room and on an unemployment line—all while feeling like no one in government is listening. That’s why I do what I do.”
Time is short, but if you help now we can win this seat. Please click here to get involved calling and canvassing for Roger. Click here to contribute to support PDA and Roger’s campaign. Click here to sign up for the campaign. Click here to email Mike Fox. Ask how you can help Roger by making easy, effective phone calls from your own home.
On to helping a progressive champion win!
Mike Hersh, Maryland Coordinator, Progressive Democrats of America for Mike F., Judy, Janis, Donna, Deb, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Dr. Bill—Your PDA National Team
P.S. Click Here to read more about Roger. Early voting in Maryland is going on now. Phone bank, canvass, and donate to help. Please don’t wait. Make Easy, Effective Calls, Donate, and Sign Up now! We need your generous support.