
Have you voted yet? Tuesday is your last chance! You in?

Nov 7, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

We CAN Win the House and Senate
with Tremendous Progressives!
We Just Need Solidarity Nationwide.
Volunteer and/or Donate Now, And Vote by End of Day Tuesday!


Thanks to a tremendous grass roots Get Out The Vote effort—including ours here at PDA—we are seeing record Dem early vote turnout.

If we keep pushing—and only if we keep pushing—we will prove the pundits wrong, once again, and defeat the Trumpists hell bent on destroying our democracy and preventing us from codifying voting rights, a woman’s rights over her own body, adequate response to the climate emergency, and more.

So, enough talk. Let’s get to work.

1) Vote. If you’ve already voted, let us know so we can scrub you from our continued outreach lists. If not, you have to make it happen before polls close Tuesday, November 8th. (Yep, tomorrow.) Questions about where/how to vote? We’re happy to help.

2) Volunteer. Let us know if you’ll walk a neighborhood or make easy calls from home to fellow PDA folks.

3) Me Plus Three/Friends And Family Outreach. The easiest ask. Just get 3 of your progressive friends to vote, and let us know that you’re doing it. Want to use the cool ap Swipe Blue to send texts to all of your contacts? Let us know and we’ll get you all you need.

4) Donate. Honestly, the above are the most important right now. But if you aren’t comfortable with talking to other people, donate all you can now so that we can contact people for you. 

Thanks so much for anything you can do.

We’re going to win big, if we all pull together!

PS: For a complete list of our nationally-endorsed candidates, go here

