
For An Election Day Like No Other: PDA’s Voter’s Survival Guide

Nov 3, 2020

In solidarity, Alan Minsky

Support PDA’s Unprecedented Election Protection Project


This is an Election Day like no other.  To help with all the unique problems related to holding a general election in the midst of a pandemic; as well as having a President who is actively trying to subvert democracy – PDA has created its first ever Voter Survival Guide.

The Survival Guide has all the essential information you need not only to vote, but to help protect the vote and our democracy.

Check it out – and share it with everyone you know.

Also, PDA has built one of the most extensive networks of Election Protection in American history. Spearheaded by Harvey Wasserman, Mimi Kennedy, Andrea Miller, and Joel Segal – it includes many of the country’s leading investigative journalists who have focused on election integrity: Greg Palast, Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld, and Brad Friedman – and countless other election experts from across America.

So, look out for updates from PDA on election day; and in the days to follow.  PDA Executive Director will be checking in with this network across the day, recording his findings and posting them on social media and youtube.

You can also take action right now by signing PDA’s petition calling on State Legislators not to interfere and allow voters to determine the outcome of the election.

Support PDA’s unprecedented work to win, and protect, the 2020 election.

PS: After you’ve made sure your ballot is in and all of your friends have voted, join a peaceful rally near you on Wednesday, Nov. 4th to protect the vote and make sure all votes are counted.

