Easy Effective Actions!
Photo credit:Tony Webster Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA — CC BY 2.0
By Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, and Bryan—Your PDA National Team
Say NO To Gun Violence!
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) needs you to step up now to make your voice heard on several important issues. The list of gun massacres keeps growing. We need your help to stop the carnage from guns. Click here to tell Congress to pass common sense gun safety legislation.
Then, please help us win the fight for Net Neutrality. Internet Freedom is at risk. Protections expired last week! The Senate voted to overturn the FCC’s disastrous changes, but now we need you to write to your Representative and demand he or she protect Internet freedom. Also, remind your Senators to stay strong in case another vote comes up. It’s important you share these action alerts with all your contacts via email and social media. We must make sure we’re heard!
Tell Congress To Pass Gun Safety Legislation!
Congress Must Stand Up To The NRA!
Every month or so, we’re horrified by yet another preventable gun massacre. Ten people were killed and ten more were wounded in a shooting yesterday, May 18th at a high school near Houston, Texas. This latest massacre, this time at Santa Fe High School, was the worst since the Parkland, Florida slayings. Tell Congress: It has to stop!
97% of Americans support strong background checks to purchase a gun. Most of us favor banning private ownership of assault weapons and bump stocks, limiting the number of rounds in a clip, closing loopholes for gun shows, and other common sense gun laws. Tell Congress to get serious about protecting us from guns by enacting strong gun safety laws, by restoring the ability of government agencies to study gun violence, and by closing gun show loopholes.
We’re counting on you to act! Have you had enough? We have. We’re asking for your support to defeat the politicians funded by the National Rifle Association (NRA) who block needed reforms. Support the brave young people of Santa Fe High School, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and other young people who demand an end to the carnage. Give generously to PDA to sustain our efforts. Then please send an e-mail demanding that your elected officials Support Common Sense Gun Safety.
Next, take as many other actions below as you can, share them with all your contacts by email and social media, and finally, please click here to generously support our work by check or card. Money short? Then please support our work with your time and effort. Make easy. effective calls from your own home to help elect candidates, and make progress. Mike “Phone Guy” Fox will show you how.
Here are seventeen ways we’re helping you have a huge impact right now. Just click on the links below. There’s so much that we have to do, but if we all pitch in, we will succeed! Take as many actions as you can—three, five, or all of them—and then please take a few moments to share them with all your contacts via email and social media to multiply your impact:
- Tell Congress To Pass Gun Safety Laws
- Tell Congress: Protect The Internet
- Demand Peace, Divest From War
- Take Away Trump’s Nuclear War Power
- Demand Diplomacy in Syria
- Demand Non-Violence in Gaza
- Vote For Bernie’s Vice President
- Tell Congress To Get Us Off Fossil Fuels
- End US Involvement In The War In Yemen
- Tell Congress: Don’t Let Trump Fire Mueller
- Protect The Iran Nuclear Treaty
- Support The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
- Tell Congress To Investigate And Impeach Trump
- Tell the Senate: End The Opioid Crisis
- Tell Senators Healthcare Is A Human Right
- Demand A Clean Dream Act (DACA)
- Sign The We Want Bernie 2020 Petition
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, and Bryan—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. No time to volunteer? Then please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford. We don’t have billionaire dark money donors. We depend upon your generous support. Please give generously to support our organizing.
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