
Contact information for the Regional Coordinators of PDA’s liaison project

Jan 10, 2021

By Alan Minsky, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America


PDA Congressional and Senate Liaisons are encouraged to bring any questions they have to their regional coordinator for the project:

The regional coordinators are:
Alan Minsky, Alan@PDAmerica,org, Northeast Coordinator
Dan O’Neal,, Midwest and Mountain State Coordinator
Patti Serrano,, Southwest Regional Coordinator
Danett Abbott-Wicker,, West Coast Coordinator
Mike Fox,, Florida and (temporary) Southeast Coordinator

We have many State and Metro Coordinators as well. They can be reached through the regional coordinators.

The regional coordinators will have regular weekly meetings to share notes and make plans going forward – always seeking to improve the operation of the program.

1 Comment

  1. Catherine Hunt

    Sounds good. I’d like to contact information for the NJ people who signed up so we can meet and support each other.
