
Celebrate Labor Day

Sep 5, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team


PDA Works for Workers’ Rights Every Day: Become a Monthly Sustainer Today to Support Our Efforts


Labor Day is a true grassroots holiday, originated by labor activists in the 1880s when 12-hour days and 7-day work weeks in dangerous conditions were the norm. New York State first introduced a bill for a Labor Day holiday, but Oregon passed the first state recognition, set for February 21, 1887. Less than 10 years later, on June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act setting the first Monday in September as a legal holiday recognizing the contributions of American workers.

America’s Labor Movement has been fraught with violence, exclusionism, racism, and corruption, but through the years activists have toiled and achieved expansion of workers’ rights extending to people of all races, ethnicities, religions, and genders. Today, labor unions are gaining strength, giving working people a bigger voice in the workplace.

PDA is proud to stand solidly with workers on the streets and in the halls of Congress. It’s been a long fight, and there are many battles yet to win. We’re in for the long haul, and we need your steady support to sustain and expand our efforts on behalf of all working people.

Become a PDA sustainer today.


