
Big Victories Tuesday! Big online event tonight. Let’s bring home another win with Maxwell Frost in FL-10! RSVP Now!

Aug 10, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team



After Big Wins Tuesday Onward to Another Big Win with Maxwell Frost, FL-10
Join Our National Online Event Tonight!


Tremendous news that PDA-endorsed progressive powerhouses Becca Balint (VT-AL), Mandela Barnes (US Senate, WI), and Squad Member Ilhan Omar (MN-05) all won their primaries on Tuesday! Many thanks to all who walked neighborhoods, hit the phones, and/or donated to help make this happen!

Now, onward to our next historic victory: Maxwell Alejandro Frost in FL-10.

Join us for an inspirational event with this progressive rock star. You may have seen Max on CNN, MSNBC, or NPR. He has a real chance of winning this blue district and becoming the first Gen Z member of Congress. We can send a real progressive to D.C. from, of all places, Florida!

Campaign Update with Maxwell Frost: The Path to Victory
Wednesday, August 10
9pm ET; 8pm CT; 7pm MT; 6pm PT; 5pm AK; 3pm HI
Register here and the machine will email you a link.

Maxwell has been endorsed by us, all the major unions—including the AFL-CIO and NNU—along with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Mark Ruffalo, the Sierra Club, and all the of the major national gun violence organizations.

We’ll be crowing about some solid victories and getting pumped up for more with Maxwell.

You’ll definitely leave energized and organized!

See you there!

