Bernie is Running!
photo: PDA’s Executive Director Alan Minsky with Bernie at the Sanders Institute Meetings
In solidarity, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
We Want Bernie Action Fund
Fittingly, the day after we observed Presidents Day, Bernie Sanders declared his candidacy for the presidency. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) effectively “drafted” Bernie to run for president starting in 2013, and we renewed our Run Bernie Run campaign earlier this year. Now, he’s once again running for president. Please give generously now to help support Bernie and PDA.
PDA has not yet endorsed any candidate for president in the 2020 cycle. We will soon be inviting you to participate in a fair and open process. For now, we’re welcoming Bernie Sanders into the field. With your help, Bernie will carry the progressive banner into the primaries again in 2020. Of course this isn’t all about Bernie; this is about all of us. Do you agree? If so, pitch in now to welcome Bernie’s candidacy.
Pitch in to Support Bernie and PDA
Volunteer with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox
The movement that PDA launched in 2004, and that Bernie’s campaign expanded after PDA drafted Bernie to run starting in 2013, is strong. Some want to believe that our movement ended when Bernie fell short of winning the nomination. We know better. We know the people’s political revolution is still growing, thanks to your commitment. Show your support. Click here to Buy Bernie Gear
Bernie’s and our solutions—Medicare for All, 100% Renewable Energy, College for All, $15 Minimum Wage, Racial Equality, Fairness for the DREAMers, Getting Big Money Out of Politics, and much more—currently drive the political discussion. Add your voice to this movement: Give to the We Want Bernie Action Fund.
PDA has been there from before the beginning with our Run Bernie Run Campaign back in 2013. Many of us were on the ground and working hard: organizing events, setting up campaign offices, making Get Out The Vote calls, raising money, barnstorming, and rallying supporters. That’s why this is a movement, not just a campaign. Support Our We Want Bernie Action Fund!
The mainstream media, the pundits, and the rest of the establishment all told us we were wrong. First, they ignored Bernie’s and our campaign. Then they tried to dismiss us. They keep trying to undermine our grassroots movement. Bernie explains it best. He said: “[T]he Bernie Sanders campaign, the people’s revolution we are talking about, the political revolution we are talking about, is strong in every part of the country….” Please Support Bernie and PDA!
PDA was the first national organization to endorse Bernie, after we successfully urged him to run. The Washington Times recognized PDA’s importance in launching the Bernie campaign and movement:
Progressive Democrats of America, which had been boosting a Sanders challenge since 2013 … soliciting support in the form of cash and volunteers, the group warned that “with Donald Trump’s hateful campaign approaching victory in the Republican primaries, we need Bernie as our champion. National polls show Bernie can beat Trump easily.”
As Bernie explains, “What the American people are saying is they are tired of a corrupt campaign finance system and Super PACs funded by Wall Street and the billionaire class.” But Bernie can’t do it alone. Will you help? We need you to step up! Give to Our We Want Bernie Action Fund!
Give $27 or another amount right now to support Bernie and PDA’s We Want Bernie Action Fund.
Click here to volunteer with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make important calls from your own home!
Click here to buy PDA’s high quality Union made in the USA Bernie Gear to show your support for Bernie!
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing for progress.