
A Progressive Vision for America

Jan 28, 2019

In solidarity, Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team

PDA is Here for the Long Haul; Supporting Progressive
Policies that Will Build a Just and Equitable America

These are both dark days and promising days for progressives. On the one hand there’s Trump and the GOP, weakened but still in power, representing an existential threat to the planet and constitutional democracy. On the other, there’s the growing popularity of progressive politics, and a renewed promise of people organizing to address and overcome America’s endemic problems.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is an essential part of the progressive movement. Our unique inside-outside strategy brings the voices from the grassroots into the halls of power. Our chapters across the country hold our elected officials accountable; and let them know their communities’ needs. Our national organizing makes sure progressive policies are heard on Capitol Hill and in the national policy debate.

Help Sustain Progressive Momentum

There’s something else essential about PDA. We’re in it for the long haul. We’ve always understood that the political process requires continual follow through.  Our adversaries are powerful and will try to water-down or block any progressive change; but we know that we’re working for good of society, so we’re not backing down.

As long as there’s PDA, the progressive vision for America will be heard; and in an era of progressive momentum, PDA will be there every step of the way until our progressive proposals become government policy.

Of course, without your support there is no PDA. The best way to help PDA continue to fight the good fight, and deliver progressive victories, is to become a sustainer.

Your automatic gift will help us build on our progress
Our goal is $10,000 per month from sustaining supporters

If we get to that number, we will balance our budget every month. So far, we’re only 60% of the way towards that goal. Please help us reach our goal by becoming a PDA sustainer. We don’t get a dime from corporations or billionaires. We rely on activists like you. Please give $100, $27, $10, or $5 each month to help us build a grassroots populist progressive majority.

“Make your dollars holler” by becoming a Change Makes Change (CMC) monthly sustainer, or by increasing your sustainer commitment. Sustainers help us budget our time and efforts, and aid in preparing rapid response to the whirlwind of policy initiatives, executive orders, court decisions, indictments, and the general chaos that swirls around the Trump fiasco. Can we count you in?

In solidarity, Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team

P.S. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. No time to make calls? Then please pitch in whatever you can afford each month to support our organizing. If you can give $5 per month, that’s great! $10? Wonderful! $100? Spectacular! Whatever is good for you is great for us. Thanks so much for anything you can do right now to help us reach our magic 100 goal.


Join PDA Mobilizing For Progress

1 Comment

  1. Carruth

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
