
A Day of Celebration: We Turn the Page and Begin Writing the Next Chapter

Jan 20, 2021

In solidarity,

Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team


Let’s Inaugurate an Era of Cooperation, Healing,

and Inclusive Prosperity


Today we celebrate!  January 20, 2021 is the day that we have anticipated for four years. The day that we say Donald Trump, Ex-President.

Today we celebrate democracy and the more than 81 million people who voted for democracy. Today we celebrate ourselves!

Today we celebrate possibilities: To unleash the full power of medical science, and our capacity for social cooperation, to defeat the pandemic. To build towards a just, equitable, and prosperous society in harmony with the planet; with no hunger, homelessness, or poverty, and free healthcare for all.

Today we celebrate because a mortal threat has been vanquished. While difficult days still lie ahead, we celebrate because we will be the authors of our future.

Congratulations President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for tomorrow we get to work!


