Zoom with Greg Palast TODAY
by Mike Hersh
Make Easy Calls to Help Elect Progressives!
Please Join Us TODAY 5pm ET/2pm PT Monday May 8th
Hear From Activists About Solutions On Our Weekly Zoom
Give To Protect Voting Every Month, Or Once
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is organizing with allies for open, clean, and fair elections and stopping global warming. Also for the Equal Rights Amendment, against oppressive policies, and for progressive political victories at the ballot box and in the halls of power.
Join us 5pm ET/2pm PT TODAY as we hear from activists committed to cleaning up our elections and environment, as well as other critically important issues. Register Here.
Join the Discussion about Protecting and Promoting Democracy and Clean Energy. Today’s Expected Agenda:
Investigative Journalist Greg Palast on protecting voting rights against voter suppression!
Also: Standing up against Fascism, Promoting Solar and Shutting Down Nukes, and more! Join us TODAY. Please register using this link:
GIVE NOW to Help PDA Elect Progressives!
VOLUNTEER to make easy, effective GOTV calls!
We need your generosity NOW to elect Progressives
Make easy, effective calls to elect progressives to Congress!
Progressives’ To Do List:
- Register for our weekly Climate and Election Protection Zooms.
- Make easy, effective phone calls to help elect progressives.
- Support PDA’s Election Protection Fund with automatic or one-time gifts.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for your PDA national team