
You Only Vote Once, Then Help Your Friends Vote

Sep 13, 2020

For a more progressive future,

Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Mike H., your PDA National Team


Help PDA protect our election


No doubt you’ve heard about Donald Trump urging his supporters to commit voter fraud by voting twice.

At Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), we are working 24/7 to increase legitimate voter turnout and protect the integrity of our election process.

Help us maintain our all-hands-on-deck efforts with a generous monthly gift of $20.20, $10, $5, or whatever you can spare. We are sparing no effort to make November 3 the bluest of Blue Waves, and we need your support today.

In just 52 days, Election 2020 will be over. PDA needs your help now! Check out our new 2020 Voter’s Guide and share it on social media with friends and family. To volunteer or report errors/omissions in, click here.

Too many crises are spinning out of control with no national leadership at the helm. We must defeat corrupt Donald Trump and his unprincipled Republican enablers. Please help PDA increase voter turnout and protect the integrity of our election process with a generous monthly gift.


