
Will Your Voice Matter?

Apr 27, 2018

By Mike Hersh for Judy, Donna, Dr. Bill, Mike F, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, and Bryan—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

Join Progressive Democrats of America Working
For A Much More Democratic Democratic Party

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) gives voters an alternative to corporate Dems—hand-picked candidates who have support from conservative millionaires and / or are conservative millionaires themselves. We are working to help progressives win rapidly approaching primaries. They’ve all scored 100% on our exacting questionnaire, all have strong local support, and all need your time and/or money to overcome their rivals. Click on the links below to contribute to their campaigns by card or check:

Kevin de Leon For U.S. Senate from California

Laura Moser For Congress from Texas

Roger Manno For Congress from Maryland

Doug Applegate For Congress from California

Give generously to help PDA build a
more progressive Democratic Party

We are saddened but not surprised that top ranking Democrats are still trying to preselect candidates, undermining or even negating the primary process. We believe in democracy, and that means accepting the will of the voters. We’re troubled when someone like House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer tries to push progressive candidates out of politics—as exposed in a recent recording.

The myth that progressives can’t win has been roundly disproven. If given a fair chance, progressives can win nominations. If nominated, progressives win. However, if an establishment candidate needs help “clearing the field” and cannot compete fairly in a primary, they’re probably a very weak candidate.

If primary voters’ concerns are overridden or ignored, then turnout suffers, and the chances for a rightwing Trumpublican victory increases. For all these reasons, we urge you to support progressives in primaries and join with us insisting on letting primary voters choose the strongest candidate. If you agree, please pitch in to help these great candidates:

Kevin de Leon For U.S. Senate from California

Laura Moser For Congress from Texas

Roger Manno For Congress from Maryland

Doug Applegate For Congress from California

Taking back the Democratic Party from the party bosses, corporations, and lobbyists won’t be easy or cheap. We need resources to organize behind strong candidates. Sign up to make automatic monthly gifts right now. Please pitch in as much as you can afford right now, and sign up to make easy, effective phone calls from your own home. Just email Mike Fox with your contact information and he’ll get you on the phones.

On to bringing the party back to it’s progressive roots!

Mike Hersh for Judy, Donna, Dr. Bill, Mike F, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, and Bryan—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

P.S. Please pitch in now to help PDA welcome Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to Denver, Colorado. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

We can’t do anything without your generous support

