Will you join us defeating obscene greed to meet human needs?
For Progressive Victories, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Deb, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Ohio Vote!
Pitch In Automatically Every Month
To Elect Strong PDA Progressives
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) urges you to stay safe and healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Avoid large crowds, and take every precaution the health experts advise. During these trying times, life goes on. The presidential and other elections go on.
With the pandemic and resultant economic disruption exposing inadequate preparation and impending shortages, we’re seeing unprecedented evidence that corporate-controlled economics and politics are woefully inadequate.
Our agenda is not merely preferable to laissez-faire oligarchy; the enlightened, common sense solutions we’ve advocated for are essential to our survival. Only our people-powered, small-donor funded movement offers a better alternative: defeating obscene greed to meet human needs.
PDA is supporting progressive champions for Congress. Please Click Here to pitch in every month to sustain PDA’s Win 2020 Victory Fund.
Help PDA-Endorsed Candidates Win
By Making Automatic Monthly Gifts
Help PDA Elect A Progressive Congress
Make Automatic Monthly Sustainer Gifts
No money to spare? Contact Mike Fox to Get Involved
PDA supports progressive candidates as well as policies for fundamental systemic change to curtail greed and meet human needs. If you agree with our essential mission, then please pitch in automatically every month to help empower our efforts to expand and empower the progressive movement.
We need your continued sustaining support to mobilize our movement now and every month. Please pitch in now with automatic monthly donations of any size.
Money short? Sign up to make easy, effective Get Out The Vote (GOTV) phone calls for PDA-endorsed candidates from your own home. Contact Mike Fox to get on the phones.
Too busy to make calls? Pitch in now to help up keep organizing phone banks and mobilizing our movement during these difficult times and beyond!
The next round of primaries is coming up this Tuesday. We need your help now. Please sign up with our Phone Team and make easy, important calls from your own home.
No time to volunteer? Please donate $5, $50, or whatever you can afford each month to sustain PDA’s activism in opposition to Trump.