
Why Support Progressive Candidates? To Build an “America as Good as its Promise”

Aug 21, 2022 | PDA News

​For a truly progressive future,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team


No Organization in the Country Worked Harder than PDA to Win Progressive Victories in the 2022 Primaries…and We’re Only Just Beginning


PDA’s mission is to transform the Democratic Party into a truly progressive party for the people and the planet. To achieve this end, we support unwavering progressive candidates in primary races all across the country. Candidates committed to renewing American democracy by bringing integrity back into politics. Candidates who refuse to accept corporate money. 

The ongoing 2022 primary season has produced some great progressive victories and some difficult defeats. The defining, distinctive feature of these primaries has been the unprecedented avalanche of money spent by reactionary and “centrist” forces in a concerted effort to defeat progressive candidates all across the country. In effect, this has been a coming-of-age moment for the progressive movement. There can be no doubt now, the political establishment sees us as a serious threat, as they have spent unprecedented tens-of-millions of dollars to purchase our decline. But, to no avail!  

Six years after Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign revived progressive politics, the progressive position has become an established part of the national dialogue: it gets a hearing on just about every issue under consideration in American politics from Hawaii to Maine, from Alaska to Puerto Rico. And more progressives are winning primaries than anytime since the 1970s.  

We still have a few primaries left in 2022, including Florida and New York on Tuesday, all the way to Rhode Island on September 13.

We’ve learned incredible lessons during this primary season. We’ll be applying those lessons in the remaining primaries this year, in the general election this November, and in primaries for years to come—all in the service of supporting brilliant candidates who, once in office, will continue to work with PDA to set the Democratic Party and the country on course to build a prosperous, inclusive society with no poverty and no carbon emissions. In the words of the late, great Barbara Jordan, “An America as good as its promise.”  

Centrists and Reactionaries won’t take you there; Progressives will.

Help us get there together by becoming a PDA sustainer today.


