
White House Bully Disrespects, Embarrasses America

Sep 25, 2017

Washington Redskins teammates during the national anthem before a game against the Oakland Raiders at FedExField on September 24, 2017 in Landover, Maryland. (Photo: Keith Allison/flickr/cc)

By Donna Smith, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America | Common Dreams

He is no artist of any deal. What Trump is has been painfully clear for some time.

Among the offensive comments made by Donald Trump on Saturday night in Atlanta were those he made about the game and its players not hitting or being hit as hard now as once was the case in the National Football League. Trump believes it’s the rules and penalties related to tackles that are causing the NFL to lose viewers and fans. He thinks it’s a soft game now played by soft players protected by too many limiting rules — soft players who Trump believes are the ones disrespecting the American flag by kneeling during the National Anthem. Huh? Since when does it warrant a presidential tongue lashing for a silent, non-violent protest of racial injustice by a black player? Trump’s vulgarity and tone-deaf narcissism is far more threatening to any respect-worthy image of these United States. Trump brings shame and embarrassment to our national identity.

Another glimpse of the dysfunction in the Trump mindset is his belief that Sen. John McCain is a weak loser because he was a Vietnam POW. At the time he made those comments, Trump said he didn’t see McCain as a hero because he likes people who don’t get caught. This week, Sen. McCain announced he will vote “no” on the latest ACA/Obamacare repeal and replace measure called the Graham-Cassidy bill. It is the second time McCain has voted “no” on a healthcare overhaul offered by his fellow Republicans in the 115th Congress. He may be a loser to Trump, but McCain has been consistent in his call for the Senate to return to “regular order,” as more thoughtful and considered. Many Americans agree with McCain.

Now, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is not saying we love what the NFL has done in many instances, perhaps most especially with regard to domestic violence and sexual assault tolerance. Nor are we celebrating all things John McCain has done as we strongly believe peace is better than war and that healthcare is a human right. But we do not believe professional sports players are too soft because they don’t want their brains turned to mush from repeated concussions or other injury or that U.S. senators who spend time as POWs are losers because getting caught is weak.

We find it offensive that Trump makes us all guilty by association every time he spews his petty, crass, arrogant and weak displays of envy and insult. His words are heard around the world, and millions of us wonder how we can ever apologize to others on this planet enough for this ugliness unleashed upon the earth. All Americans are not like this bully. We are fighting back, no matter how daunting, and we do not accept the injustice and distrust he peddles as a tool to come out ahead of others. He is no artist of any deal. What Trump is has been painfully clear for some time.

Not much we can do about the NFL except support all who raise the issue of racial inequality but there is something we can still do about the healthcare mess. Call a Republican Senator or two or three. Ask them to show the leadership that their colleague John McCain modeled and vote “no” on Graham-Cassidy. Tell them that too many people will be hurt and our communities seriously damaged. We only have a few more days to fight this. Please make calls now. There are life and death matters at hand on this issue. We find it so disrespectful of this nation that anyone would even consider creating such damage to so many millions of people and to our economy. Rest assured, if Graham-Cassidy/Trumpcare passes somehow, Trump will gloat and glory himself like a triumphant and crooked ogre. He’ll celebrate as millions of this nation’s most vulnerable people are crushed by loss of health coverage. That is a disrespect so profound that the nation might never recover. Call Senators now, (202) 224-3121, and tell them Donna asked you to call.


