
What’s At Stake

Jul 6, 2020

by, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Donna, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team

Support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund
Make Monthly Gifts To Deliver Victories


On Election Day, November 3rd, Americans will choose leadership that will determine the course of our future on healthcare, climate, racial justice, redistricting, the Supreme Court, economic policy, and so much more.

We founded Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) in 2004 to change politics in America. To do that, we need empowered progressive champions in Congress. We only have four short months to do all we can to make that happen.

Help PDA Support Our Progressive Champions
With Automatic Monthly Sustaining Donations

Sustain PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund With Automatic Gifts

Election Day 2020 is coming up quickly. To elect progressives, we need your support now and through Election Day. Click Here to support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund with Automatic Monthly Sustainer Gifts

