
What Is Super Sustainer Sunday?

Feb 4, 2018

By  Donna Smith, PDA Executive Director for Mike H., Mike F., Judy, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team

Join the Win 2018 Team


Today, as most Americans celebrate Super Bowl Sunday, we’re staying focused on more important matters. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) needs your help today! Since our founding in 2004, we’ve tirelessly advocated for the popular progressive policies that brought sweeping victories in 2017–in Virginia, Alabama, and elsewhere. We’ve been gearing up for this year’s primaries and the midterm elections.

We’re organizing for Healthcare Not Warfare; Windmills Not Weapons; economic and social justice; stopping global warming; guaranteeing clean, fair and transparent elections; ending corporate rule; and more. Today, we celebrate our “Sustainers” and their commitment to progress. Will you pitch in $20.18 (or any amount) each month to become a sustainer—or increase your sustainer commitment—today?

Bring Back Real Progressivism

Pitch In To Help Elect Progressives


Will you pitch in $20.18 (or any amount) per month to help us organize for victories this year? Here are some but not all of our plans for 2018. We’re counting on you to help us add to and achieve this agenda.


1.   No cuts to Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security
2.   No border walls period—not tied to the Dream Act or anything else
3.   No removing or undermining protections and regulations for environmental health and safety
4.   No new wars and no threats of using nukes against North Korea, Iran or anyone else
5.   No more sneak attacks to gut healthcare, housing, nutrition, education or other human necessities

Please give $20.18 (or any amount) per month to build the resistance.


1.    Re-elect our progressive champions to Congress
2.    Support progressive candidates in the primaries
3.    Elect new progressives to Congress
4.    Secure more co-sponsors for progressive legislation like Medicare for All, the Off Fossil Fuels Act, Jobs for All, a Clean Dream Act, Free College, etc.
5.    Work with our friends in Congress and allied organizations to draft new legislation

Invest $20.18 (or any amount) per month for real progress.

Movement Building:

1.    Strengthen and build PDA chapters leading up to the November 2018 mid-terms
2.    Support coalition efforts on core issues, values, and campaigns
3.    Continue working to democratize the Democratic Party and to develop strong, progressive leadership at all levels
4.    Support independent, progressive media
5.    Work to broaden and deepen partnerships for legislative and electoral victories.

We need you now! Please give $20.18 (or any amount) per month to build the progressive movement!

PDA is hard at work recruiting new strong progressive candidates to run for Congress in 2018. We’ve been successful in the past, helping progressives like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Representatives Keith Ellison, Jim McGovern, Barbara Lee, Raul Grijalva, Rick Nolan, Mark Pocan, Tulsi Gabbard, Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Ted Lieu, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Nanette Barragan, and others win. PDA needs your help now to make the difference in 2018. Only a newly-empowered progressive leadership in the House and Senate can restrain Trump.

We’re seeing real results, but we can’t do it alone. We need 100 new sustainers—supporters who give automatic monthly donations. Signing up for the Win 2018 Sustainer Team at $20.18 per monthwould help so much, but we appreciate any amount you can spare.

Please send checks to:
Kimberly Buchan Operations Coordinator
Progressive Democrats of America
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064


Donna Smith, PDA Executive Director for Mike H., Mike F., Judy, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team

P.S. The midterm elections are less than a year away, and primaries are even sooner. We need you to step up big right now! Please dig deeply and give generously to help PDA make progress. You’ll barely notice the $20.18 (or any other amount) per month to join the Win in 2018 Team. Whatever you can afford to give, your regular contribution will make all the difference!


