
What Is Medicare For All?

Apr 8, 2019

For Healthcare as a Human Right!  Dr. Bill for Alan, Donna, Mike F., Mike H. Janis, Deb, Dan, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Medicare for All Team

Making Huge Progress On Medicare For All! To Discuss,
Join PDA’s Healthcare Organizing Call This Wednesday

Huge news on Medicare For All: Senator Bernie Sanders, Progressive Democrats of America’s endorsed candidate for President, is about to sponsor his newly updated and improved Medicare For All legislation. We’re working with our coalition allies to gain more cosponsors, and to make sure the official launch goes well. Get involved and find out more!

RSVP for our Healthcare is a Human Right Conference Call
Wednesday April 10 at 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT
Dial-in Number: (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 733525#
Click here for more information and to RSVP

Email and Call Congress at 202-858-1717. Urge your Rep
to cosponsor the Jayapal / Dingell Medicare For All Act

Support PDA’s Medicare For All Action Fund

Contact to deliver a
Medicare For All Letter to Your Congressperson

Order a Healthcare Not Warfare Banner

If you or your local PDA chapter is planning to attend any rallies, march in parades, or deliver letters with a message to your  Congressional office, you need a Healthcare Not Warfare banner. Hurry and order now—we only order banners a few times a year. Contact Deb at for details, cost, and to arrange payment.

Unsure about what Medicare For All would mean? You’re not alone. I break it down for you to consult and share as you advocate for MFA:

Basics of #MedicareForAll (#MFA #Medicare4All #M4A)
By Dr. Bill Honigman,

Goals – A high quality Healthcare system, where ALL of the people get ALL of the care they need. MFA saves lives and money while providing healthcare to we the people.

Healthcare facts:

  1. US ranks 37th in outcomes, incl. longevity, infant and maternal mortality
  2. US spends about twice what almost every other advanced country spends on HC
  3. One million uninsured = one thousand preventable deaths per year
  4. Medical costs = #1 most common cause of personal bankruptcy in US, for the uninsured and underinsured
  5. One third of every healthcare dollar in the US is lost to administrative waste and predatory profiteering
  6. #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll saves $1 billion for every 1 million population
  7. #MedicareForAll in US is now 70% favorable over all, 85% Democrats and 52% Republicans support it


The Essentials of Medicare For All:

  1. Eliminate waste of private insurance including claims processing, CEO pay, advertising (eg. Medical Loss Ratio, MLR)
  2. Eliminate abuse of predatory pricing for pharmaceuticals and medical devices with bulk purchasing capability
  3. Eliminate fraud in billing of providers, hospitals, clinics all remain privately managed
  4. The public is free to choose based on reputation, with standardized reimbursement to providers and hospitals
  5. Reimbursements at Medicare rates (eg. Global Budgeting) not Medicaid rates
  6. Care at high quality standards including by expansion of Medicare to include all essential services (again not Medicaid)


What Medicare For All is Not:

  1. Copays, deductibles, supplementals, or other out-of-pocket expenses
  2. Buy ins, a Public Option, eligibility standards by age or means
  3. Medicaid or other lesser standard of quality and comprehensiveness of care


There are the basics! Please feel free to cut and paste the above into emails, or print it out and share with MFA supporters and others!



P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing for Medicare For All.

Join PDA Making MFA Progress

