
What Does It Take To Win Elections?

May 31, 2020

Solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Mike H., Donna, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

Help Elect Clean Candidates Who Are Dedicated
To Enacting Our Shared Progressive Policies
Pitch In Monthly To Support Progressive Victories


Progressive Democrats of America is highly selective in choosing candidates to endorse. We make sure our candidates support policies people need, and we also demand that they’re committed to combating the corrupting influence of big donors, corporatism, and super-PACs.

Defeating powerful, entrenched special interests isn’t easy. Help us elect these worthy candidates bygiving $20.20 or $10 or $5 monthly. To maintain and expand our efforts, we need your help now to elect progressives. With your support, we can help progressive candidates win!

Make Automatic Monthly Gifts to Help
PDA Elect Strong Progressives This Year

We need your help and support right now to elect strong progressives. Your monthly donation of $50, $20, $10, or $5 will provide us with the resources we need to build a true blue wave in the primaries and November.

Although corruption leads from the top—and currently has an example like no other in Donald Trump—it seeps into every crevice and crack in our national structure. In short, corruption is as American as racism and apple pie.

We are facing unparalleled crises in healthcare, systemic racial disparity and animosity, economic instability, and environmental degradation—without national leadership.

I wish corruption was just a Republican problem, but too many Democrats are also self-serving, work to maintain power for the sake of having power, ignore the spirit if not the letter of the law, and look the other way as vulnerable parts of our society suffer.

Primaries are being held from Tuesday through the end of summer. These contests are our best chance to put brave progressive champions on the ballot for November’s general election, to reshape the national dialog, and to bring forth a progressive and honest body of legislators in the next Congress.

At PDA, we fight corruption 24/7. We oppose the trillions of dollars given away to corporate behemoths; we resist appointments of unqualified right-wing cronies to judicial and agency posts; we fight for progressive policies that level the playing field and uplift our fellow Americans.

Right now, we are working tirelessly to elect honest, solid, progressive candidates around the country. Please help us fight corruption and promote progressive values with a monthly gift of $20.20, $10, or $5.


P.S. please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford each month to support our organizing for electoral victories.

Join PDA Electing Progressives
Make Automatic Monthly Donations

