
Weekly Recap: Recap: Frenetic Mobilizing For Progress!

Jun 1, 2019

Pitch In To Help PDA Make It Easy To Contact Congress

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Shayna, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team.

PDA Makes Sure Your Voice Is Heard

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is working closely with our coalition partners on a range of issues including accountability for Trump, ending the War On Women and ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), enacting Medicare For All, ending gun violence, and protecting Social Security. This week, we invite you to contact Congress on all of these critically important issues and more!

PDA is organizing with our California partners PDA-CA at the California Democratic Convention this weekend, capping off an incredibly active week of mobilizing. The People Demanding Action Capitol Hill team delivered letters to every Republican Senator on Thursday, urging them to cosponsor the Joint Resolution to lift the arbitrary deadline from the ERA. We need your time and effort—and your generous suppor—to keep pushing for progress.

Please Pitch In To Keep PDA Working For You!

Mark Your Calendar: Anti-Gun Violence Events Nation Wide June 8+9. At events across the country folks will be wearing orange and coming together to tell the media and our elected officials that there is much more we can do to end gun violence, and it must happen now! Email Mike Fox if you want to get involved with an event. Remember to wear orange in solidarity with the effort.

Social Security is at risk! Call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to OPPOSE Trump’s pick Andrew Saul for Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner! The Senate could hold initial votes as early as Monday on Saul’s confirmation to head the Social Security Administration!

Call and leave a message today, then call again Monday morning and ask to speak to the Chief of Staff. Explain this is a matter of Saul’s unfitness for a critically important post, and that you will both monitor the Senator’s vote and share your concerns among all your friends and family.

Michael Phelan from our close allies Social Security Works explains that Andrew Saul is a frightening nominee to run Social Security because he “has zero background in Social Security. However, he did serve on the board of the right-wing Manhattan Institute, which has consistently been extremely hostile to Social Security.”

Michael adds, “Saul is not only unqualified, he also has a history of illegal and unethical behavior. In 2007, Saul was forced to drop out of a U.S. Congressional race due to unethical campaign contributions. In 2012, Saul tried to lie ‘his way out of a trespassing rap by falsely identifying himself as a police commissioner’”.

The conclusion? “This is not someone who should be in charge of a program that is an essential lifeline for over 60 million Americans and their families.” Help us defeat this destructive nominee by calling your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and telling them to vote against Andrew Saul for SSA Commissioner! Leave a message today, and call again Monday morning.

SIGN THE PETITION: HOLD BIG PHARMA ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC: It’s appalling. Big pharmaceutical companies make obscene profits selling opioids, while tens of thousands of Americans die of overdoses every year. Click Here to tell Congress to address this public health crises.

TELL CONGRESS: PASS LEGISLATION TO PROTECT REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE: Extremist politicians have been waiting for an opportunity to undermine Roe v. Wade since it was decided in 1973. Several states have signed unconstitutional abortion bans. Click Here to tell Congress to prohibit any government entity from denying, interfering with, or discriminating against reproductive choice.

PDA is proud to mobilize Bernie supporters with our We Want Bernie campaign featuring regular organizing calls and other efforts. Not a Bernie supporter? No worries. We’re always working onHealthcare Not Warfare, Windmills Not Weapons, and battling the Trump Regime at every turn. If you’d like to volunteer for those campaigns, let Mike Fox know.

Help PDA gain cosponsors for the Medicare For All Act in the House and Senate. This legislation will provide comprehensive healthcare for all of us with no out of pocket expenses: no premiums, co-pays, cap, or deductibles, including, mental, dental, vision, prescriptions, medical devices, preventative, women’s health, long-term care, and more.

Medicare For All will save 10,000s of lives and 100s of $billions each year. Call Congress at 202-858-1717 and Click Here to tell your Representative to Cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s and Rep. Debbie Dingell’s Medicare For All Act. Also, Click Here to tell your Senators to cosponsor Bernie’s MFA bill.

PDA Makes it Easy For You to Tell Congress:

We Don’t Need Trump’s Border Wall

We Need a Strong Green New Deal

We Need Gun Safety Legislation

Last month, PDA activists voted overwhelmingly to support impeachment investigations against Trump. Please click here to email your congressperson in support of Representative Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment investigations resolution.

Trump vetoed a joint congressional resolution that would end U.S. support for Saudi war crimes in Yemen. The resolution was authored by Senator Bernie Sanders in the Senate and Representative Ro Khanna in the House. PDA supported this effort to reassert Congressional constitutional authority over war and peace, and especially to end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Please click here to tell Congress to override Trump’s veto.

Long after hurricanes ravaged their homes, our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean remain in peril. Please take action now! Click here to tell Congress to help the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

PDA helps you make a huge difference with Educate Congress letter drops, action alerts, and coalition efforts with dozens of progressive organizations. Email Mike Fox to make your voice heard on critically important policies.

We appreciate all you do to help make progress on these and other issues. If you’ve never donated to help PDA help you pressure our elected officials, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click here to support PDA’s issue organizing.


PS: Click here to watch PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky’s interview. Join PDA investing early to recruit and elect progressives in 2020


