
We Need You Today

Feb 10, 2019

In solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team

Help Us Reach Our Goal By
Becoming a PDA Sustainer

A longtime supporter asked me recently why Progressive Democrats of America ()DA) is pushing so hard for sustaining monthly gifts. A fair question, and it deserves a fair answer. Simply put, we need to raise the level of our sustaining gifts to $10,000/month in order to meet our basic expenses.

Now we work on a shoestring budget, and our small staff puts in long hours, each of us wearing several hats as needed to make our various projects successful. We write, organize, share on social media, spread petitions, telephone, and meet face-to-face with activists, other progressive organizations, legislators, and the public. We also each spend a fair amount of time fundraising to sustain our other efforts, and, well, there are only so many hours in the day.

Sustaining monthly gifts give us a baseline for our budget and release us from constant fundraising. We depend on regular people who care about people and planet over profits, and we know it is sometimes a heavy lift to come up with an extra $100 or $200 to give at one time. However, $5/month (the cost of a coffee and a breakfast roll) becomes $60/year we can depend on (100 first-class stamps now cost $55). A $10/month gift (one meal at a modest restaurant) becomes $120/year we can put toward printing leaflets and rally signs for activists.

Those who give $20.20/month toward victory in the next election cycle contribute to travel funds so that we can have a physical presence at major events and on Capitol Hill. We are truly grateful for those who give us $50/month or more, helping us to pay our hard-working staff.

Years ago, our founder Tim Carpenter came up with the phrase “Change Makes Change” for our monthly donors, and it is true. Our strength is in our collective spirit, and if each of us gives a bit, we can make a huge difference together, whether it is through donating, making telephone calls, showing up at rallies, or meeting with elected officials.

Your Change really does Make Change, and PDA will make your Dollars Holler (a tip of the hat to our Communications Director Mike Hersh for that turn of phrase). Help us keep raising our voices to support peace, fairness, and human dignity.

Please join the ranks of our monthly sustaining donors today.

P.S. If we reach $10,000 a month in sustaining donations, PDA will be guaranteed to be on budget for the entire year. That means our staff and our legions of PDA volunteers will be able to take all the energy they currently expend on fund raising and put it into our passion:

Building the progressive movement inside the Democratic Party, remaking and reimagining the party so that it truly represents the interests of the American people.

